The PI3USB223 combines AC coupled audio signals and USB2.0HS (480Mbps) on the same pins. This enables users to use a singleconnector to drive either a USB end point or an audio end point. PI3USB223 incorporates gate pump technology required to main-tain low Ron for ideal audio THD while reducing the capacitanceaffect of high speed USB signals. The device also incorporates asubstratepumptechnologywhichallows-2Vsignalstopassthroughthe switch without causing any leakage. The PI3USB223 features protection on D+/R and D-/Lto ensure nodamage will happen to the IC if these pins are shorted accidentallyto Vbus as well as ensuring there is no leakage when VDDis on oroff. Also, it includesVBUS detection (VB) to automatically switchto the USB signal path upon detection of a valid VBUS signal. Italso features internal shunt resistors on the audio path to reduceclicks and pops heard during output. The device is available in aspace-saving 10-pin, 1.4mm x 1.8mm UQFN package, and operateover the -40°C to +85°C temperature range.
Single +2.7V to +4.4V Supply Voltage Low 50µA Supply Current -3dB Bandwidth: 1500MHz (typ) Low 2.5O(typ)On-Resistance THD+N: 0.02% Shorting D+/R and D-/L to Vbus will not cause leakage whenVDD= 0 Internal Shunt Resistors for Click-and-Pop Reduction VBUS Detection for Automatic Switch Path Selection Packaging (Pb-free & Green available):= 10-pin contact UQFN, 1.4 x 1.8, (ZM10)