The IH5045 family consists of seven CMOS analog switches that are intended for general-purpose applications, These switches are latch-up proof. Key features of the family include a low, 1 nA leakage current and a quiescent current of less than 1 µA. The 1H5040 family has faster switching times than the original manufacturer"s devices. All devices are bidirectional and maintain almost constant on resistance throughout their operating range. These switches are guaranteed to operate from ±4,5V to ±18V, and will switch input signals that include the supplies.
- Improved Second Source
- Guaranteed ±4.5V to ±18V Operation
- Input Voltage Range Includes Supplies
- Latch up-Proof Construction
- TTL/CMOS Logic Compatible
- >1µA Quiescent Current
- Monolithic, Low-Power CMOS Design
- DUAL DPST Switch