The MAX388 is 8-channel single-ended (1-of-8) multiplexers (muxee) with internal data latches use a high-voltage series N-channel, P-channel, N-channel structure that significantly improves fault protection over previous devices. If power is removed with input voltages still applied, all channels turn off, allowing only a few nanoamperes of input leakage current. This protects the mux and output circuitry, as well as the signal sources connected to the channel inputs. When an overvoltage signal up to ±100V (typically ±110V) is applied to an analog input or output, the channel turns off. To further protect output circuitry from on-channel overvoltage, outputs are clamped to less than the powersupply voltage. Since there is no increase in supply current during fault conditions, power dissipation does not increase. The MAX388 withstand full overvoltage on any combination of channels, including all channels simultaneously. All channel selection and control inputs are TTL and CMOS compatible. And break-before-make switch operation is guaranteed.
- Fault and Overvoltage Protection
- Fail-Safe with Power Loss (No Latchup)
- Break-Before-Make Switching
- All Channels Off when Power Off
- Internal Data Latches
- TTL and CMOS Compatible
- Operates from ±4.5V to ±18V Supplies
- On-Channels Turn Off during Overvoltage
- Nanoamperes Leakage In Overvoltage