The DG428, DG429 analog multiplexers have on-chip address and control latches to simplify design in microprocessor based applications. Break-before-make switching action protects against momentary crosstalk of adjacent input signals. The DG428 selects one of eight single-ended inputs to a common output, while the DG429 selects one of four differential inputs to a common differential output. An on channel conducts current equally well in both directions. In the off state each channel blocks voltages up to the power supply rails. An enable (EN) function allows the user to reset the multiplexer/demultiplexer to all switches off for stacking several devices. All control inputs, address (Ax) and enable (EN) are TTL compatible over the full specified operating temperature range. The silicon-gate CMOS process enables operation over a wide range of supply voltages. The absolute maximum voltage rating is extended to 44 V. Additionally, single supply operation is also allowed and an epitaxial layer prevents latchup. On-board TTL-compatible address latches simplify the digital interface design and reduce board space in bus-controlled systems such as data acquisition systems, process controls, avionics, and ATE.
- Halogen-free according to IEC 61249-2-21 Definition
- Low RDS(on): 55 ?
- Low Charge Injection: 1 pC
- On-Board TTL Compatible Address Latches
- High Speed – tTRANS: 160 ns
- Break-Before-Make
- Low Power Consumption: 0.3 mW
- Compliant to RoHS Directive 2002/95/EC