The MM74HC4051 multiplexers are digitally controlled analog switches implemented in advanced silicon-gate CMOS technology. These switches have low “on” resistance and low “off” leakages. They are bidirectional switches, thus any analog input may be used as an output and vice-versa. Also these switches contain linearization circuitry which lowers the on resistance and increases switch linearity. These devices allow control of up to ±6V (peak) analog signals with digital control signals of 0 to 6V. Three supply pins are provided for VCC, ground, and VEE. This enables the connection of 0– 5V logic signals when VCC = 5V and an analog input range of ±5V when VEE = 5V. All three devices also have an inhibit control which when HIGH will disable all switches to their off state. All analog inputs and outputs and digital inputs are protected from electrostatic damage by diodes to VCC and ground. MM74HC4051: This device connects together the outputs of 8 switches, thus achieving an 8 channel Multiplexer. The binary code placed on the A, B, and C select lines determines which one of the eight switches is “on”, and connects one of the eight inputs to the common output.
- Wide analog input voltage range: ±6V
- Low “on” resistance: 50 typ. (VCC–VEE = 4.5V) 30 typ. (VCC–VEE = 9V)
- Logic level translation to enable 5V logic with ±5V analog signals
- Low quiescent current: 80 µA maximum (74HC)
- Matched Switch characteristic