The MX7828 is highspeed, multi-channel analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). The MX7828 have four analog input channels, while the MX7824 have eight channels. Conversion time for all devices is 2.5µs. The MX7828 also feature a 2.5V on-chip reference, forming a complete high-speed data acquisition system. All four converters include a built-in track/hold, eliminating the need for an external track/hold with many input signals. The analog input range is 0V to +5V, although the ADC operates from a single +5V supply. Microprocessor interfaces are simplified by the ADC’s ability to appear as a memory location or I/O port without the need for external logic. The data outputs use latched, three-state buffer circuitry to allow direct connection to a microprocessor data bus or system input port. The MX7828 are pin compatible with Analog Devices’ AD7824 and AD7828. The MX7828, which feature internal references, are also compatible with these products.
- One-Chip Data Acquisition System
- Four or Eight Analog Input Channels
- 2.5µs per Channel Conversion Time
- Internal 2.5V Reference (MAX154/MAX158 only)
- Built-In Track/Hold Function
- 1/2LSB Error Specification
- Single +5V Supply Operation
- No External Clock
- New Space-Saving SSOP Package