The MAX114/MAX118 are microprocessor-compatible, 8-bit, 4-channel and 8-channel analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). They operate from a single +5V supply and use a half-flash technique to achieve a 660ns conversion time (1Msps). A power-down (active-low PWRDN) pin reduces current consumption typically to 1µA. The devices return from power-down mode to normal operating mode in less than 200ns, allowing large supply-current reductions in Burst Mode applications (in Burst Mode, the ADC wakes up from a low-power state at specified intervals to sample the analog input signals). Both converters include a track/hold, enabling the ADC to digitize fast analog signals. Microprocessor (µP) interfaces are simplified because the ADC can appear as a memory location or I/O port without external interface logic. The data outputs use latched, three-state buffer circuitry for direct connection to an 8-bit parallel µP data bus or system input port. The MAX114/MAX118 input/reference configuration enables ratiometric operation. The 4-channel MAX114 is available in a 24-pin DIP or SSOP. The 8-channel MAX118 is available in a 28-pin DIP or SSOP. For +3V applications, refer to the MAX113/MAX117 data sheet.
- Single +5V Supply Operation
- 4 (MAX114) or 8 (MAX118) Analog Input Channels
- Low Power:
- 40mW (operating mode)
- 5µW (power-down mode)