The CS5014 is a 14 bit monolithic analog to digital converters with conversion times of 7.2ms, 14.25ms and 16.25ms. Unique self-calibration circuitry insures excellent linearity and differential nonlinearity, with no missing codes. Offset and full scaleerrors are kept within 1/2 LSB (CS50114), eliminating the need for calibration. Unipolar and bipolar input ranges are digitally selectable. The pin compatible CS5012A/14/16 consist of a DAC, conversion and calibration microcontroller, oscillator, comparator, microprocessor compatible 3-state I/O, and calibration circuitry. The input track-and-hold, inherent to the devices’ sampling architecture, acquires the input signal after each conversion using a fast slewing on-chip buffer amplifier. This allows throughput rates up to 56 kHz (CS5014). An evaluation board (CDB5014) is available which allows fast evaluation of ADC performance.
- Monolithic CMOS A/D Converters Microprocessor Compatible Parallel and Serial Output Inherent Track/Hold Input
- True 12, 14 and 16-Bit Precision
- Conversion Times: CS5016 16.25 ms CS5014 14.25 ms CS5012A 7.20 ms
- Self Calibration Maintains Accuracy Over Time and Temperature
- Low Power Dissipation: 150 mW
- Low Distortion