The MAX174/MX574A/MX674A are complete 12-bit analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that combine high speed, low-power consumption, and on-chip clock and voltage reference. The maximum conversion times are 8µs (MAX174), 15µs (MX674A), and 25µs (MX574A). Maxim’s BiCMOS construction reduces power dissipation 3 times (150mW) over comparable devices. The internal buried zener reference provides low-drift and low-noise performance. External component requirements are limited to only decoupling capacitors and fixed resistors. The versatile analog input structure allows for 0 to +10V or 0 to +20V unipolar or ±5V or ±10V bipolar input ranges with pin strapping. The MAX174/MX574A/MX674A use standard microprocessor interface architectures and can be interfaced to 8-, 12-, and 16-bit wide buses. Three-state data outputs are controlled by active-low CS, CE, and R/active-low C logic inputs.
- Complete ADC with Reference and Clock
- 12-Bit Resolution and Linearity
- No Missing Codes Over Temperature
- 150mW Power Dissipation
- 8µs (MAX174), 15µs (MX674A), and 25µs (MX574A) Max Conversion Times
- Precision Low TC Reference: 10ppm/°C
- Monolithic BiCMOS Construction
- 150ns Maximum Data Access Time