The ADS7924 is a four-channel, 12-bit, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) with an I2C interface.With its low-power ADC core, support for low-supply operation, and a flexible measurement sequencer that essentially eliminates power consumption between conversions, the ADS7924 forms a complete monitoring system for power-critical applications such as battery-powered equipment and energy harvesting systems. The ADS7924 features dedicated data registers and onboard programmable digital threshold comparators for each input.Alarm conditions can be programmed that generate an interrupt.The combination of data buffering, programmable threshold comparisons, and alarm interrupts minimize the host microcontroller time needed to supervise the ADS7924. The four-channel input multiplexer (MUX) is routed through external pins to allow a common signal conditioning circuit to be used between the MUX and ADC, thereby reducing overall component count.The low-power ADC uses the analog supply as its reference and can acquire and convert signals in only 10µs.An onboard oscillator eliminates the need to supply a master clock. The ADS7924 is offered in a small 3mm × 3mm QFN and is fully specified for operation over the industrial temperature range of –40°C to +85°C.
- Auto-Sequencing of 4-Channel Multiplexer
- Individual Alarm Thresholds for Each Channel
- Programmable Scan Rate
- Four-Channel Scanning:
- Every 1ms ? 25µW
- Every 10ms ? 5µW
- < 1µA of Power-Down Current
- Programmable Interrupt Pin Controls Shutdown/Wakeup of the Microcontroller
- Auto Power-Down Control
- PWRCON Pin Allows Shutdown of External Op Amp
- Analog Supply: 2.2V to 5.5V
- Digital Supply: 1.65V to 5.5V
- Portable and Battery-Powered Systems:
- Medical, Communications, Remote Sensor Signal Monitoring, Power-Supply Monitoring
- Energy Harvesting