The MAX1076/MAX1078 are low-power, high-speed, serial-output, 10-bit, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that operate at up to 1.8Msps and have an internal reference. These devices feature true-differential inputs, offering better noise immunity, distortion improvements, and a wider dynamic range over single-ended inputs. A standard SPI/QSPI/MICROWIRE interface provides the clock necessary for conversion. These devices easily interface with standard digital signal processor (DSP) synchronous serial interfaces. The MAX1076/MAX1078 operate from a single +4.75V to +5.25V supply voltage. The MAX1076/MAX1078 include a 4.096V internal reference. The MAX1076 has a unipolar analog input, while the MAX1078 has a bipolar analog input. These devices feature a partial power-down mode and a full power-down mode for use between conversions, which lower the supply current to 2mA (typ) and 1µA (max), respectively. Also featured is a separate power-supply input (VL), which allows direct interfacing to +1.8V to VDD digital logic. The fast conversion speed, low-power dissipation, excellent AC performance, and DC accuracy (±0.5 LSB INL) make the MAX1076/MAX1078 ideal for industrial process control, motor control, and base-station applications. The MAX1076/MAX1078 come in a 12-pin TQFN package, and are available in the extended (-40°C to +85°C) temperature range.
- 1.8Msps Sampling Rate
- Only 50mW (typ) Power Dissipation
- Only 1µA (max) Shutdown Current
- High-Speed, SPI-Compatible, 3-Wire Serial Interface
- 61dB S/(N + D) at 525kHz Input Frequency
- Internal True-Differential Track/Hold (T/H)
- Internal 4.096V Reference
- No Pipeline Delays
- Small 12-Pin TQFN Package