The MAX1205 is a 14-bit, monolithic, analog-to-digital converter (ADC) capable of conversion rates up to 1Msps. This integrated circuit, built on a CMOS process, uses a fully differential, pipelined architecture with digital error correction and a short self-calibration procedure that corrects for capacitor and gain mismatches and ensures 14-bit linearity at full sample rates. An on-chip track/hold (T/H) maintains superb dynamic performance up to the Nyquist frequency. The MAX1205 operates from a single +5V supply. The fully differential inputs allow an input swing of ±VREF. The reference is also differential, with the positive reference (RFPF) typically connected to +4.096V and the negative reference (RFNF) connected to analog ground. Additional sensing pins (RFPS, RFNS) are provided to compensate for any resistive-divider action that may occur due to finite internal and external resistances in the reference traces and the on-chip resistance of the reference pins. A single-ended input is also possible using two operational amplifiers. The power dissipation is typically 257mW at +5V, at a sampling rate of 1Msps. The device employs a CMOS-compatible, 14-bit parallel, two"s complement output data format. For higher sampling rates, the MAX1201 is a 2.2Msps pin-compatible upgrade to the MAX1205. The MAX1205 is available in an MQFP package, and operates over the commercial (0°C to +70°C) and the extended (-40°C to +85°C) temperature ranges.
- Monolithic, 14-Bit, 1Msps ADC
- +5V Single Supply
- SNR of 80dB for fIN = 500kHz
- SFDR of 87dB for fIN = 500kHz
- Low Power Dissipation:257mW
- On-Demand Self-Calibration
- Differential Nonlinearity Error: ±0.3LSB
- Integral Nonlinearity Error: ±1.2LSB
- Three-State, Two"s Complement Output Data