The ICL7135 is a high precision monolithic 41/2 digit A/D converter. Dual slope conversion reliability is combined with ± 1 in 20,000 count accuracy and a 2.0000V full scale capability. It features high impedance differential inputs, nearly ideal differential linearity, true ratiometric operation, auto zero and auto-polarity. The multiplexed BCD outputs and digit drivers provide easy interface to external display drivers like the ICM7211A. The only other external components needed to make precision DVMIDPMs are a reference and a clock. For more complex systems the BCD outputs are enhanced by STROBE, OVERRANGE, UNDERRANGE, RUN/HOLD and BUSY lines providing easy interface to microprocessors and UARTs. This interlacing capability makes the ICL7135 an ideal device for use in microprocessor based data acquisition and control systems.The ICL7135 has auto-zero accuracy better than 10p,V, zero drift of 0.5µV/°C, input bias current of 10pA max. and rollover error of less than 1 count.
- Improved 2nd Source
- ± 20,000 Count Resolution
- Guaranteed ± 1 Count accuracy
- Over-range, under-range signals for auto-range capability
- Easy interface to UARTs and µPs
- TTL compatible, Multiplexed BCD outputs
- True differential input. Zero reading guaranteed for 0 volt input
- True polarity at zero for precise null detection
- Monolithic CMOS design