The TC7117 is 3-1/2 digit CMOS Analogto- Digital Converters (ADCs) containing all the active components necessary to construct a 0.05% resolution measurement system. Seven-segment decoders, polarity and digit drivers, voltage reference, and clock circuit are integrated on-chip. The TC7117 drives common anode Light Emitting Diode (LED) displays directly with an 8mA drive current per segment. These devices incorporate a display hold (HLDR) function. The displayed reading remains indefinitely, as long as HLDR is held high. Conversions continue, but output data display latches are not updated. The reference low input (VREF-) is not available, as it is with the TC7107. VREF- is tied internally to analog common in the TC7117 devices. The TC7117 reduces linearity error to less than 1 count. Rollover error (the difference in readings for equal magnitude but opposite polarity input signals) is below ±1 count. High-impedance differential inputs offer 1pA leakage current and a 1012O input impedance. The 15µVP-P noise performance enables a “rock solid” reading. The auto-zero cycle ensures a zero display reading with a 0V input. The TC7117 feature a precision, low drift internal reference, and are functionally identical to the TC7117. A low drift external reference is not normally required with the TC7117.
- Low Temperature Drift Internal Reference: – TC7117 80 ppm/°C, Typ. – TC7117 20 ppm/°C, Typ.
- Display Hold Function
- Directly Drives LCD or LED Display
- Zero Reading with Zero Input
- Low Noise for Stable Display: – 2V or 200mV Full Scale Range (FSR)
- Auto-Zero Cycle Eliminates Need for Zero
- Adjustment Potentiometer
- True Polarity Indication for Precision Null Applications
- Convenient 9V Battery Operation: (TC7116)
- High-Impedance CMOS Differential Inputs: 1012O
- Low-Power Operation: 10mW