The TC7107 3-1/2 digit direct display drive Analog-to-Digital Converters allow existing TC7107 based systems to be upgraded. Each device has a precision reference with a 20 ppm/°C maximum temperature coefficient. This represents a 4 to 7 times improvement over similar 3-1/2 digit converters. Existing TC7107 based systems may be upgraded without changing external passive component values. The TC7107 drives common anode light emitting diode (LED) displays directly with 8 mA per segment. A low cost, high resolution indicating meter requires only a display, four resistors, and four capacitors. The TC7107 reduces linearity error to less than 1 count. Rollover error – the difference in readings for equal magnitude, but opposite polarity input signals, is below ±1 count. High-impedance differential inputs offer 1 pA leakage current and a 1012O input impedance. The differential reference input allows ratiometric measurements for ohms or bridge transducer measurements. The 15 µVP–P noise performance ensures a “rock solid” reading. The autozero cycle ensures a zero display reading with a zero volts input.
- Internal Reference with Low Temperature Drift: – TC7107: 80 ppm/°C (Typical) – TC7107: 20 ppm/°C (Typical)
- Drives LED (TC7107) Display Directly
- Zero Reading with Zero Input
- Low Noise for Stable Display
- Auto-Zero Cycle Eliminates Need for Zero Adjustment
- True Polarity Indication for Precision Null Applications
- High-Impedance CMOS Differential Inputs: 1012O
- Differential Reference Inputs Simplify Ratiometric Measurements
- Low-Power Operation: 10 mW