The ICL7137 is a monolithic analog to digital converter with all the necessary active devices to directly interface with a light emitting diode (LED) display. Excluding the LED display current, the ICL7137 supply current is under 200mA, making it suitable for battery operation. Versatility and accuracy are inherent features of this converter. The dual-slope conversion technique automatically rejects interference signals common in industrial environments. The true differential input and reference are particularly useful when making ratio-metric measurements (ohms or bridge transducers), and the zero-integrator phase in "s ICL7137 eliminates over range hangover and hysteresis effects. Finally, this device offers high accuracy by lowering rollover error to less than one count and zero reading drift to less than lm,VPC.
- Improved 2nd Source
- Guaranteed first reading recovery from over range
- Zero Input Gives Zero Reading
- Drives LED Displays Directly
- Low Noise (15µV p-p) without hysteresis or over range hangover
- True Differential Reference and Input
- Monolithic, Low Power CMOS Design