The ICL7109 is a monolithic 12 bit A/D converter designed for easy interface with microprocessors and UARTs, The 12 bit binary plus polarity and over-range outputs can be directly interfaced to a microprocessor bus. In this mode the ICL7109 is controlled by the microprocessor through the Chip select and two byte enable inputs. For remote data logging applications the ICL7109 outputs are easily converted to a UART handshake mode, working with industry standard UARTs to provide serial data transmission. This device offers high accuracy by lowering rollover error to less than 1 count and zero reading drift to Jess than 1µV/°C. In many data acquisition systems the ICL7-109 Is an attractive, low cost, one-per-channel alternative to analog multiplexing due to its low power consumption and input bias current. Maxim has added a zero-integrator phase to the ICL7109, eliminating overrange hangover, “crosstalk” and hysteresis effects. Maxim has also increased the current sourcing capabilities of the ICL7109, enabling it to rapidly drive the large capacitances often found on microprocessor busses.
- Improved 2nd Source!
- Zero Integrator Phase for Fast Overload Recovery
- Hysteresis and “Crosstalk” Eliminated
- Enhanced Bus Driving Capability
- Byte Organized Three-state Outputs
- UART Handshake Mode for Serial Interfacing
- True Differential Input and Reference
- Up to 30 Conversions per Second
- Significantly Improved ESD Protection
- Monolithic, Low Power CMOS Design