The TSA1203 is a new generation high-speed, dual-channel analog-to-digital converter implemented in a mainstream 0.25µm CMOS technology that offers high performance and very low power consumption.The TSA1203 is specifically designed for applications requiring a very low noise floor, high SFDR and good insulation between channels. It is based on a pipeline structure and digital error correction to provide high static linearity at FS= 40 Msps, and Fin= 10 MHz. Each channel has an integrated voltage reference to simplify the design and minimize external components. It is nevertheless possible to use the circuit with external references. The ADC binary word outputs are multiplexed in a common bus with a small number of pins. A tri-state capability is available for the outputs, allowing chip selection. The inputs of the ADC must be differentially driven. The TSA1203 is available in extended temperature range (-40°C to +85°C), in a small 48-pin TQFP package.