The MCP3422 device is the low noise and high accuracy 18-Bit delta-sigma analog-to-digital (?S A/D) converter family members of the MCP342X series Inc. These devices can convert analog inputs to digital codes with up to 18 bits of resolution.The on-board 2.048V reference voltage enables an input range of ± 2.048V differentially (full scale range = 4.096V/PGA).These devices can output analog-to-digital conversion results at rates of 3.75, 15, 60, or 240 samples per second depending on the user controllable configuration bit settings using the two-wire I²C serial interface. During each conversion, the device calibrates offset and gain errors automatically. This provides accurate conversion results from conversion to conversion over variations in temperature and power supply fluctuation.The user can select the PGA gain of x1, x2, x4, or x8 before the analog-to-digital conversion takes place. This allows the MCP3422 device to convert a very weak input signal with high resolution.The MCP3422 device have two conversion modes: (a) One-Shot Conversion mode and (b) Continuous Conversion mode. In One-Shot conversion mode, the device performs a single conversion and enters a low current standby mode automatically until it receives another conversion command. This reduces current consumption greatly during idle periods. In Continuous conversion mode, the conversion takes place continuously at the set conversion speed. The device updates its output buffer with the most recent conversion data.The devices operate from a single 2.7V to 5.5V power supply and have a two-wire I²C compatible serial interface for a standard (100 kHz), fast (400 kHz), or high-speed (3.4 MHz) mode.The user can configure the device to one of eight available addresses by connecting these two address selection pins to Vdd, VSS or float. The I²C address bits of the MCP3422 are programmed at the factory during production.
- 18-bit ?S ADC with Differential Inputs:
- 2 channels: MCP3422 and MCP3423
- Differential Input Full Scale Range: -VREF to +VREF
- Self Calibration of Internal Offset and Gain per Each Conversion
- On-Board Voltage Reference (VREF):
- Accuracy: 2.048V ± 0.05%
- Drift: 15 ppm/°C
- On-Board Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA):
- Gains of 1, 2, 4 or 8
- INL: 10 ppm of Full Scale Range
- Programmable Data Rate Options:
- 3.75 SPS (18 bits)
- 15 SPS (16 bits)
- 60 SPS (14 bits)
- 240 SPS (12 bits)
- One-Shot or Continuous Conversion Options
- Low Current Consumption:
- 135 µA typical (Vdd= 3V, Continuous Conversion)
- 36 µA typical (Vdd= 3V, One-Shot Conversion with 1 SPS)
- On-Board Oscillator
- I²C™ Interface:
- Standard, Fast and High Speed Modes
- Single Supply Operation: 2.7V to 5.5V
- Extended Temperature Range: -40°C to +125°C