The LPC1850FET180 is a high-performance, cost-effective Cortex-M3 microcontroller featuring 200 kB of SRAM, and advanced peripherals including Ethernet, High Speed USB 2.0 Host/OTG/Device, LCD controller, and CAN 2.0B. Operating at speeds up to 180 MHz, the LPC1850 also features two new configurable peripherals: a SPI Flash Interface and a State Configurable Timer. All members of the series include a Wakeup Interrupt Controller allowing automatic wake from any priority interrupt as well as four reduced power modes: Sleep, Deep-Sleep, Power-Down, and Deep Power-Down.
- Processor core
- ARM Cortex-M3 processor (version r2p1), running at frequencies of upto 180 MHz
- ARM Cortex-M3 built-in Memory Protection Unit (MPU) supporting eightregions
- ARM Cortex-M3 built-in Nested Vectored Interrupt Controller(NVIC)
- Non-maskable Interrupt (NMI) input
- JTAG and Serial Wire Debug serial trace, eight breakpoints, and fourwatch points
- Enhanced Trace Module (ETM) and Enhanced Trace Buffer (ETB)support
- System tick timer
- On-chip memory
- 200 kB SRAM for code and data use
- Multiple SRAM blocks with separate bus access
- 64 kB ROM containing boot code and on-chip software drivers
- 64 bit + 256 bit One-Time Programmable (OTP) memory forgeneral-purpose use
- Clock generation unit
- Crystal oscillator with an operating range of 1 MHz to 25 MHz
- 12 MHz internal RC oscillator trimmed to 1.5 % accuracy overtemperature and voltage
- Ultra-low power RTC crystal oscillator
- Three PLLs allow CPU operation up to the maximum CPU rate without theneed for a high-frequency crystal. The second PLL is dedicated tothe High-speed USB, the third PLL can be used as audio PLL.
- Clock output
- Configurable digital peripherals:
- State Configurable Timer (SCTimer/PWM) subsystem on AHB
- Global Input Multiplexer Array (GIMA) allows to cross-connectmultiple inputs and outputs to event driven peripherals like timers,SCTimer/PWM, and ADC0/1
- Serial interfaces:
- Quad SPI Flash Interface (SPIFI) with 1-, 2-, or 4-bit data at ratesof up to 52 MB per second
- 10/100T Ethernet MAC with RMII and MII interfaces and DMA support forhigh throughput at low CPU load. Support for IEEE 1588 timestamping/advanced time stamping (IEEE 1588-2008 v2)
- One High-speed USB 2.0 Host/Device/OTG interface with DMA support andon-chip high-speed PHY (USB0)
- One High-speed USB 2.0 Host/Device interface with DMA support,on-chip full-speed PHY and ULPI interface to an external high-speedPHY (USB1).
- USB interface electrical test software included in ROM USB stack
- Four 550 UARTs with DMA support: one UART with full modem interface;one UART with IrDA interface; three USARTs support UART synchronousmode and a smart card interface conforming to ISO7816specification
- Up to two C_CAN 2.0B controllers with one channel each. Use of C_CANcontroller excludes operation of all other peripherals connected tothe same bus bridge
- Two SSP controllers with FIFO and multi-protocol support. Both SSPswith DMA support
- One Fast-mode Plus I²C-bus interface with monitor mode andwith open-drain I/O pins conforming to the full I²C-busspecification. Supports data rates of up to 1 Mbit/s.
- One standard I²C-bus interface with monitor mode andstandard I/O pins
- Two I²S interfaces with DMA support, each with one inputand one output.
- Digital peripherals:
- External Memory Controller (EMC) supporting external SRAM, ROM, NORflash, and SDRAM devices
- LCD controller with DMA support and a programmable display resolutionof up to 1024 H x 768 V. Supports monochrome and color STN panelsand TFT color panels; supports 1/2/4/8 bpp Color Look-Up Table(CLUT) and 16/24-bit direct pixel mapping
- Secure Digital Input Output (SD/MMC) card interface
- Eight-channel General-Purpose DMA controller can access all memorieson the AHB and all DMA-capable AHB slaves
- Up to 164 General-Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins with configurablepull-up/pull-down resistors
- GPIO registers are located on the AHB for fast access. GPIO portshave DMA support