The RM46Lx30deviceis a high-performance microcontroller family forsafety systems. The safety architecture includesdual CPUs in lockstep, CPUand memory BIST logic, ECC on both the flash and the data SRAM, parityonperipheral memories, and loopback capability on peripheral I/Os. The RM46Lx30deviceintegrates the ARM Cortex-R4Ffloating-point CPU which offers an efficient 1.66 DMIPS/MHz, andcan run up to 200 MHzprovidingup to 332 DMIPS.The device supports the little-endian [LE] format. The RM46L830devicehas 1.25MB of integratedflash and 192KB ofdata RAM with single-bit error correction and double-bit error detection. TheRM46L430device has 1MBof integrated flash and 128KB of data RAM withsingle-bit error correction and double-bit errordetection. The flash memoryon this device is a nonvolatile, electrically erasable andprogrammablememory, implemented with a 64-bit-wide data bus interface. The flash operates ona3.3-V supply input (same level as I/O supply) for all read, program, anderase operations. When inpipeline mode, the flash operates with a systemclock frequency of up to 200 MHz. The SRAMsupports single-cycle read andwrite accesses in byte, halfword, word, and double-word modesthroughout thesupported frequency range. The RM46Lx30devicefeatures peripherals for real-time control-basedapplications, includingtwo Next Generation High-End Timer (N2HET) timing coprocessorswith up to 44 I/O terminals, seven Enhanced Pulse WidthModulator (ePWM) modules with up to 14outputs, six Enhanced Capture (eCAP)modules, two Enhanced Quadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) modules,and two 12-bitAnalog-to-Digital Converters (ADCs) supporting up to 24 inputs. The N2HET is an advanced intelligent timer that provides sophisticated timingfunctionsfor real-time applications. The timer is software-controlled, usinga reduced instruction set, witha specialized timer micromachine and anattached I/O port. The N2HET can be used forpulse-width-modulated outputs,capture or compare inputs, or general-purpose I/O (GIO). The N2HETisespecially well suited for applications requiring multiple sensor informationand driveactuators with complex and accurate time pulses. A High-End TimerTransfer Unit (HTU) can performDMA-type transactions to transfer N2HET datato or from main memory. A Memory Protection Unit (MPU)is built into theHTU. TheePWM module can generate complex pulse width waveforms with minimalCPU overhead or intervention.The ePWM is easy to use and it supports bothhigh-side and low-side PWM and deadband generation.With integrated trip zoneprotection and synchronization with the on-chip MibADC, the ePWM moduleisideal for digital motor control applications. TheeCAP module is essential in systems where the accurately timed captureof external events isimportant. The eCAP can also be used to monitor theePWM outputs or for simple PWM generation whenthe eCAP is not needed forcapture applications. TheeQEP module is used for direct interface with a linear or rotaryincremental encoder to getposition, direction, and speed information from arotating machine as used in high-performancemotion and position-controlsystems. The device hastwo12-bit-resolutionMibADCs with24 total inputsand 64 wordsof parity-protected buffer RAM each. The MibADC channels can beconverted individually or can begrouped by software for sequentialconversion sequences.Sixteeninputs are shared between the two MibADCs.Each MibADC supports three separate groupings ofchannels. Each group can beconverted once when triggered or configured for continuous conversionmode. The MibADC has a 10-bit mode for use when compatibility with older devices orfaster conversiontime is desired.MibADC1 also supports the use ofexternal analog multiplexers.
- Dual CPUs Running inLockstep
- ECC on Flash and RAM Interfaces
- Built-In Self-Test(BIST) for CPU and On-chip RAMs
- Error Signaling Module With ErrorPin
- Voltage and Clock Monitoring
- 1.66 DMIPS/MHz With8-Stage Pipeline
- FPU With Single- andDouble-Precision
- 12-Region Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
- OpenArchitecture With Third-Party Support
- Up to 200-MHz System Clock
- Core Supply Voltage (VCC): 1.14 to 1.32V
- I/O Supply Voltage (VCCIO): 3.0 to 3.6V
- 1.25MB of Program Flash WithECC (RM46L830)
- 1MB ofProgram Flash With ECC (RM46L430)
- 192KB of RAM With ECC (RM46L830)
- 128KB of RAM With ECC (RM46L430)
- 64KB of Flash for Emulated EEPROM WithECC
- Consistent Memory Map AcrossFamily
- Real-Time Interrupt (RTI) Timer (OSTimer)
- 128-Channel Vectored Interrupt Module(VIM)
- 2-Channel Cyclic Redundancy Checker (CRC)
- 16 Channels and32 Peripheral Requests
- Parity Protection for Control PacketRAM
- DMA Accesses Protected by DedicatedMPU
- Parameter Overlay Module(POM)
- 7 Enhanced Pulse Width Modulator (ePWM)Modules
- 6 Enhanced Capture (eCAP) Modules
- 2 EnhancedQuadrature Encoder Pulse (eQEP) Modules
- N2HET1: 32 ProgrammableChannels
- N2HET2: 18 Programmable Channels
- 160-WordInstruction RAM Each With Parity Protection
- Each N2HET Includes Hardware AngleGenerator
- Dedicated High-End Timer Transfer Unit (HTU) for Each N2HET
- ADC1:24 Channels
- ADC2:16 Channels Shared With ADC1
- 64 Result Buffers Each With Parity Protection
- 2-Port USB Host Controller
- One Full-SpeedUSB Device Port
- Three CAN Controllers (DCANs)
- 64 MailboxesEach With Parity Protection
- Compliant to CAN Protocol Version 2.0A and2.0B
- Inter-IntegratedCircuit (I2C)
- Three Multibuffered Serial PeripheralInterface (MibSPI) Modules
- 128 Words Each With ParityProtection
- 8 Transfer Groups
- Upto Two Standard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Modules
- Two UART (SCI)Interfaces, One With Local Interconnect Network (LIN2.1) InterfaceSupport
- 144-PinQuad Flatpack (PGE) [Green]
- 337-BallGrid Array (ZWT) [Green]