Inter-Digitated Capacitors (IDCs) are used for both semiconductor package and board level decoupling. The equivalent series inductance (ESL) of a single capacitor or an array of capacitors in parallel determines the response time of a Power Delivery Network (PDN). The lower the ESL of a PDN, the faster the response time. A designer can use many standard MLCCs in parallel to reduce ESL or a low ESL Inter-Digitated Capacitor (IDC) device. These IDC devices are available in versions with a maximum height of 0.95mm or 0.55mm.
0306, 0508, 0612 sizes utilizing X7R, X7S or X5R dielectrics with options to have up to 8 terminalsVoltage Ratings: 4, 6.3, 10, 16, 25VCapacitance Range: 0.01µF (min) – 3.3µF (max)