The TAS5709 is a 20-W, efficient, digital audio-power amplifier for driving stereo bridge-tied speakers.One serial data input allows processing of up to two discrete audio channels and seamless integration to most digital-audio processors and MPEG decoders. The device accepts a wide range of input data and data rates.A fully programmable data path routes these channels to the internal speaker drivers. The TAS5709 is a slave-only device receiving all clocks from external sources.The TAS5709 operates with a PWM carrier betweena 384-kHz switching rateand a 352-KHz switching rate,depending on the input sample rate. Oversampling combined with a fourth-order noise shaper provides a flat noise floor and excellent dynamic range from 20 Hz to 20 kHz. The TAS5709A is identical in function to the TAS5709, but has a unique I2C device address.The address of the TAS5709 is 0x36.The address of the TAS5709A is 0x3A.
- 20-WInto an 😯 Load From an 18-V Supply
- Wide PVDD Range, From 8 V to 24 V
- Efficient Class-D Operation Eliminates Need for Heatsinks
- Requires Only 3.3 V and PVDD
- One Serial Audio Input (Two Audio Channels)
- Supports 8-kHz to 48-kHz Sample Rate (LJ/RJ/I2S)
- Independent Channel Volume Controls With 24 dB to Mute
- Soft Mute (50% Duty Cycle)
- Programmable 2-Band Dynamic Range Control
- 22 Programmable Biquads for Speaker EQ and Other Audio-Processing Features
- Programmable Coefficients for DRC Filters
- Programmable Input and Output Mixers
- DC Blocking Filters
- Support for 3D Effects
- Pseudo Bass Support
- Serial Control Interface Operational Without MCLK
- Factory-Trimmed Internal Oscillatorfor Automatic Rate Detection
- Surface Mount, 48-Pin, 7-mm × 7-mm HTQFP Package
- Thermal and Short-Circuit Protection
- EQ: Speaker Equalization Improves Audio Performance
- DRC:Dynamic Range Compression. Can Be Used As Power Limiter. Enables Speaker Protection, Easy Listening, Night-Mode Listening
- Two-Band DRC: Sets Two Different Thresholds for Low- and High-Frequency Content
- Autobank Switching: Preload Coefficients for Different Sample Rates. No Need to Write New Coefficients to the Part When Sample Rate Changes
- Autodetect: Automatically Detects Sample-Rate Changes. No Need for External Microprocessor Intervention