The TAS5076 is an innovative, cost-effective, high-performance 24-bit six-channel digital pulse width modulator (PWM) based on Equibit technology. Combined with a TI PurePath Digital audio amplifier power stage, these devices use noise-shaping and sophisticated error-correction algorithms to achieve high power efficiency and high-performance digital audio reproduction. The TAS5076 is designed to drive up to six digital power devices to provide six channels of digital audio amplification. The digital power devices can be six conventional monolithic power stages (such as the TAS5110) or six discrete differential power stages using gate drivers and MOSFETs.The TAS5076 has six independent volume controls and mute. The device operates in AD and BD modes. This all-digital audio system contains only two analog components in the signal chain—an LC low-pass filter at each speaker terminal. Dynamic range of 105-dB for the front channels and 102 dB for the other channels was achieved using the TAS5076-TAS5182 EVM. The TAS5076 has a wide variety of serial input options including right justified (16-, 20-, or 24-bit), I2S (16-, 20-, or 24-bit) left justified, and DSP (16-bit) data formats. The device is fully compatible with AES standard sampling rates of 44.1 kHz, 48 kHz, 88.2 kHz, 96 kHz, 176.4 kHz, and 192 kHz, including de-emphasis for 44.1-kHz and 48-kHz sample rates. The TAS5076 plus the TAS51xx power stage device combination was designed for home theater applications such as DVD minicomponent systems, home theater in a box (HTIB), DVD receiver, A/V receiver, or TV sets.
- Up to 105-dB Dynamic Range
- <0.005% THD+N
- Patented Soft Volume
- Patented Soft Mute