The DG456 has two normally closed and two normally open switches.These are high voltage switches that are fully specified with dual supplies at ± 5 V and ± 15 V and a single supply of 12 V.Fast switching speeds coupled with high signal bandwidth makes these parts suitable for video switching applications.All digital inputs have 0.8 V and 2.4 V logic thresholds ensuring low voltage TTL/CMOS compatibility. Each switch conducts equally well in both directions when on and can handle an input signal range that extends to the supply voltage rails.The DG456 is pin compatible with the DG411, DG412 and DG413, except they require no VL supply.
- Low on-resistance (4 O typical)
- On-resistance flatness (0.2 O typical)
- 100 mA continuous current
- 44 V supply maximum rating
- ± 15 V analog signal range
- Fully specified at supply voltages of ± 5 V, 12 V and ± 15 V
- No VL required
- Fast switching speed:
- ton 80 ns
- toff 60 ns
- TTL/CMOS compatible
- ESD protection 2 kV
- Pin compatible with DG411, DG412, and DG413, except no VL required