The PI5A4599B is a high-bandwidth, fast single-pole double-throw (SPDT) CMOS switch. It can be used as an analog switch or as a low-delay bus switch. Specified over a wide operating power supply voltage range, 1.65V to 6.0V, the PI5A4599B has a maximum ON resistance of 12-ohms at 1.65V, 9-ohms at 2.3V & 6- ohms at 4.5V. Break-before-make switching prevents both switches being enabled simultaneously. This eliminates signal disruption during switching. The control input, IN, is independent of supply voltage.
- CMOS Technology for Bus and Analog Applications
- Low On-Resistance: 😯 at 3.0V
- Wide V+ Range: 1.65V to 6.0V
- Rail-to-Rail Signal Range
- Fast Transition Speed: 2ns at 5.0V
- High Off Isolation: -63dB @ 10MHz
- Break-Before-Make Switching
- High Bandwidth: 350MHz
- Extended Industrial Temperature Range: -40°C to 85°C
- Packaging (Pb-free and Green):
- 6-pin Small Compact SC70(C6)
- 6-pin SOT23 (TA6)