The MP2735/MP2736 are low voltage, low onresistance, dual single-pole double-throw (SPDT) monolithic CMOS analog switches designed for high performance switching of analog signals. Combining low-power, high speed, low on-resistance, and small package size, the MP2735/MP2736 are ideal for portable and battery power applications. The MP2735/MP2736 have an operation range from 1.65V to 5.5V single supply. The MP2735 has two separate control pins and two separate SPDT switches. The MP2736 includes an EN pin. All switches are at high impedance mode when the EN is high. The MP2735/MP2736 are guaranteed 1.65V logic compatible for V+<3.3V, allowing the easy interface with low voltage DSP or MCU control logic and ideal for one cell Li-ion battery direct power. The switch conducts signals within power rails equally well in both directions when on, and blocks up to the power supply level when off. Break-before-make is guaranteed. The MP2735/MP2736 are offered in a QFN10 package. Low Voltage Operation (1.65V to 5.5V) Low On-Resistance - RON: 0.45? at 2.7V Fast Switching: TON = 29ns at 2.7V TOFF = 23ns at 2.7V Latch-Up Current >300mA (JESD78) 1.4mm x 1.8mm QFN10 Package ESD Human-Body Model ±4000V