The ADC10731, ADC10732 and ADC10734 are obsolete or on lifetime buy and included for reference only.This series of CMOS 10-bit plus sign successive approximation A/D converters features versatile analog input multiplexers, sample/hold and a 2.5V band-gap reference. The 1-, 2-, 4-, or 8-channel multiplexers can be software configured for single-ended or differential mode of operation.An input sample/hold is implemented by a capacitive reference ladder and sampled-data comparator. This allows the analog input to vary during the A/D conversion cycle.In the differential mode, valid outputs are obtained even when the negative inputs are greater than the positive because of the 10-bit plus sign output data format.The serial I/O is configured to comply with the MICROWIRE serial data exchange standard for easy interface to the COPS and HPC families of controllers, and can easily interface with standard shift registers and microprocessors.