The MAX151 is a high-speed, easy-to-use, microprocessor (pP) compatible 10-bit Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) with Track-and-Hold (T/H). Half-flash techniques allow a typical conversion time of 1.9,us with a Total Unadjusted Error (TUE) of ±1 LSB (Max). The converter has a OV to +5V analog input voltage range and uses ±5Vsupplies. The MAX151 internally tracks and holds the analog input signal, eliminating the need for an external T/H when digitizing high-speed AC input signals. The MAX151 also contains an internal 4V reference, making the part a complete, low-cost ADC. Power consumption is typically 275mW. The MAX151 interfaces directly to app. by appearing as a memory location or Input/Output (I/O) port. Read (RD) and Chip Select (CS) inputs control three-state outputs. Two interface modes ensure compatibility with most popular µPs. The MAX151 is available in both 0.3″ DIP and Wide SO packages.
- 10-Bit Resolution and Accuracy
- ±1LSB Total Unadjusted Error
- 2.5µs Max Conversion Time (0.5µs Input Acquisition Time)
- 300kHz Sampling Rate
- Internal 60ppmrC Reference
- 1ppm/°C Gain and Offset Drift
- Internal Clock
- ±5V Supplies with 275mW Power Dissipation
- 24-Pin 0.3″ DIP and Wide SO Packages
- Tested for DC and Dynamic Specifications