These devices are 8-bit successive-approximation analog-to-digital converters. The TLV0831 has single input channels; the TLV0832 has multiplexed twin input channels. The serial output is configured to interface with standard shift registers or microprocessors. The TLV0832 multiplexer is software configured for single-ended or differential inputs. The differential analog voltage input allows for common-mode rejection or offset of the analog zero input voltage value. In addition, the voltage reference input can be adjusted to allow encoding any smaller analog voltage span to the full 8 bits of resolution. The operation of the TLV0831 and TLV0832 devices is very similar to the more complex TLV0834 and TLV0838 devices. Ratiometric conversion can be attained by setting the REF input equal to the maximum analog input signal value, which gives the highest possible conversion resolution. Typically, REF is set equal to VCC (done internally on the TLV0832). The TLV0831C and TLV0832C are characterized for operation from 0°C to 70°C. The TLV0831I and TLV0832I are characterized for operation from -40°C to 85°C.