The MX7821 high-speed, microprocessor-compatible (AP), 8-bit analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is a plug-in upgrade for the industry-standard 7820. The MX7821 uses a half-flash technique, resulting in a 660ns conversion time vs. 1 .36µs for the 7820. A Vss pin, not supplied by the 7820, supports dual power supplies and bipolar analog inputs. The MX7821 has track-and-hold function capable of digitizing a 100kHz signal, and is tested for both its static and dynamic capability. The converter-AP interface appears as a memory location or input/output port that requires no external interface logic. The data outputs use latched, three-state buffered circuitry for direct connection to a µP data bus or system input port. The MX7821 has an overflow output for cascading devices to attain higher resolution. The ADC"s input/reference arrangement enables ratiometric operation. For a detailed description of MX7821 operation, .
- 660ns Conversion Time
- 20-Pin Narrow DIP Package
- No External Clock
- Pin-Compatible Upgrade for Industry-Standard 7820
- 100kHz input Signal Bandwidth
- Bipolar/Unipolar Inputs
- Single +5V or Dual ±5V Supplies
- Ratiometric Reference Inputs
- Static and Dynamic Tested
- Internal Track/Hold