The ADC0820 is a high speed, microprocessor compatible, 8 bit analog-to-digital converter which uses a half-flash technique to achieve a conversion time of 1.4 p.s. The converter has a OV to +5V analog input range and uses a single +5V supply.A built-in track-and-hold function is included, eliminating the need for an external track-and-hold for input slew rates up to 100mVigs. The A/D easily interfaces with microprocessors by appearing as a memory location or I/O port without the need for external interfacing logic. Data outputs use latched, three-state buffer circuitry to allow direct connection to a microprocessor data bus or system 110 port. An over-flow output is also provided for cascading devices to achieve higher resolution.AD00820 is pin-compatible with National Semiconductor"s ADC0820 and provides improved specifications. It is packaged in 20-pin Small Outline, DIP and CERDIP packages.
- Fast Conversion Time: 1.4ms Max.
- Built-In Track-and-Hold Function
- No Missing Codes
- No User Adjustments Required
- Single +5V Supply
- No External Clock
- Easy Interface To Microprocessors