The ADS5102 are low-power CMOS, 10-bit, analogto-digitalconverters (ADC) that operate from a single1.8-V supply. The internal reference can be bypassedto use an external reference to suit the dc accuracy andtemperature drift requirements of the application. A10-bit parallel output data bus is provided with 3-stateoutputs. For power sensitive systems, a standby modeis provided which reduces power consumption to336 µW. Also, if using external voltage reference, thenthe internal VREF circuit can be powered down. Theanalog input is differential, which provides excellentcommon-mode noise rejection as well as superiorperformance from the ADS5102
- ADS5102 (65 MSPS) ADS5103 (40 MSPS)
- Differential Input
- 1.8 V Analog/Digital Supply
- Digital Outputs Compatible With 1.8 V or 3.3 V Logic
- Signal-to-Noise: 58 dB at 20 MHz (ADS5103)
- Spurious Free Dynamic Range: 71 dB at 20 MHz (ADS5102)
- 105-mW Power Dissipation (ADS5103)
- 336 µW Power-Down Mode