The RX62T Group of high-performance microcontrollers with a maximum operating frequency of 100MHz are designed for motor control. They are equipped with multifunction timers (MTU, GPT), high-speed 12-bit A/D converter, and 10-bit A/D converter for facilitating motor control.The products also incorporate many safety features to comply with the IEC60730 safety standard for home appliances. In addition to a maximum of 256KB flash and 16KB RAM on-chip memory, they have a maximum of 32KB of on-chip flash memory for data storage. 64-pin to 112-pin packages are available.
- RX62T has three high-speed A/D modules (12-bit A/Dx2units, 10-bit A/Dx1unit) and 20ch A/D conversions in total are possible. Each conversion time is 1µs.
- 3ch of simultaneous sampling is enabled only by one 12-bit A/D module.
- 7ch of simultaneous sampling is enabled by two 12-bit A/D modules and one 10-bit A/D module.
- The continuous A/D conversion is simplified by the double data register newly installed in 12-bitA/D module.
- RX62T has 6ch of programmable gain amplifiers.
- o Each gain can be set independently.
- RX62T has 6ch of analog comparators for 12-bit A/D inputs.
- o Each comparator has 3 detection modes; “Higher than the reference voltage (CVREFH)”, “Lower than the reference voltage (CVREFL)” and “Window” (“Higher than CVREFH” and “Lower than CVREFL”).
- o The reference voltage of comparator is selectable from the external source and the internal source.
- o Each comparator has 2 input modes; “After the programmable gain amplifier” and ” Before the programmable gain amplifier” .
- o The result of comparison can control timer GPT.
- Control contents: Counter Start /Stop /Clear, PWM control
- RX62T has 16-bit timer x 16ch; MTU3 (100MHz operation,8ch), GPT(100MHz operation, 4ch), and CMT (4ch).
- RX62T has 3ch of three-phase complementary PWM (MTU3x2ch, GPTx1ch) for controlling 3 motors.
- MTU3 supports complementary PWM for which the load of software is less than MTU2.
- GPT can independently control 4ch of single phase inverter with the complementary PWM.
- GPT can independently control the right and the left dead-time of complementary PWM.
- 5V single power and 3.3V single power lineup. For the 3.3V products, analog power 5V supply setting is also available.
- Lineup with CAN and without CAN.
- Lineup of 0.5mm, 0.65mm and 0.8mm pitch PKG.
- Memory-protection unit (MPU) is built in for all products.
- ROM capacity, RAM capacity and data flash capacity 64 Kbytes/8 Kbytes/8 Kbytes
- 3-V version, CAN not supported