The PIC32MX family combines 32-bit performance with a large memory configuration and rich integrated peripheral set at a low cost to address embedded application space ranging from simple general purpose embedded control to more advanced Audio, Connectivity and Graphical embedded applications.The PIC32MX5 series with integrated 10/100 Mbit Ethernet MAC and industry leading connectivity and peripheral options , enables developers to build embedded connectivity based applications. Fully Supported by the MPLAB Harmony integrated software framework which features software solutions to accelerate Application development.
- Program Memory (KB): 64
- Data Memory (KB): 32
- Number of pins: 64
- 80 Mhz / 120 DMIPS Performance
- Up to 512 KB flash and up to 128 KB RAM
- Integrated 10/100 Mbit Ethernet MAC
- Dedicated DMA interface for direct access to the entire system RAM
- Industry-standard RMII.MII interface to PHY
- Pre-programmed MAC address
- Full speed USB, CAN 2.0B
- Rich Peripheral set
- Tape and Reel Packaging