Renesas Electronics had earlier launched the SH7260 Series of microcontrollers, built around the SH2A-FPU 32-bit CPU core with superb real time processing capability, as a solution for the digital audio field. TheSH7262 and SH7264 belong to the SH7260 Series of microcontrollers, and the maximum operating frequency of 144 MHz enables faster operation in applications such as equipment control or digital audio signal processing. This combination of excellent signal processing performance and ROM code efficiency means that compression and decompression of audio data in formats required by digital audio applications, such as MP3, WMA, or AAC (Advanced Audio Coding), is performed more quickly and program sizes are reduced. Thanks to the newly added large-capacity SRAM, not only processing tasks related to equipment control and digital audio, but also video display capabilities can be implemented on a single chip. An ample 1-Mbyte or 640-Kbyte of on-chip SRAM is provided for video display use. It can be configured as a frame buffer to store video data temporarily, which is necessary when implementing graphical display capabilities. The generous SRAM capacity means that it is possible to use a TFTLCD panel display up to WQVGA size (480 x 240 pixels) without the need for external SDRAM as video memory.The SH7262 and SH7264 provide a new video display controller and digital video input pins for use with graphical and video display applications. Digital RGB output pins allow output of images or video in RGB565 format at up to WQVGA size (480 × 240 pixels).This reduces the total number of devices required and helps lower both the cost and the power consumption of the system.
- Operating frequency
- 144 MHz
- CPU performance
- 345 MIPS (Drystone:144MHz)
- Cache
- 16 KByte (Separate Instruction 8K/ Data 8K, 4-way set associative)
- Debug
- Package
- SH7264:208 pin QFP (28mm x 28mm) (0.5mm pitch)
- etc.
- External RAM-less system is realized by the 1-MByte/640-KByte large capacity SRAM.
- Possible to image processing by display controller with video input.
- Possible to connect with NAND flash, serial flash memory and boot from them.