The microcontroller’s e200z4 host processor core is built on Power Architecture technology and designed specifically for embedded applications. In addition to the Power Architecture technology, this core supports instructions for digital signal processing (DSP).
150 MHz e200z4 Power Architecture core
Variable length instruction encoding (VLE)
Superscalar architecture with 2 execution units
Up to 2 integer or floating point instructions per cycle
Up to 4 multiply and accumulate operations per cycle
Memory organization
4 MB on-chip flash memory with ECC and Read While Write (RWW)
192 KB on-chip RAM with standby functionality (32 KB) and ECC
8 KB instruction cache (with line locking), configurable as 2- or 4-way
14 + 3 KB eTPU code and data RAM
5 × 4 crossbar switch (XBAR)
24-entry MMU
External Bus Interface (EBI) with slave and master port
Fail Safe Protection
16-entry Memory Protection Unit (MPU)
CRC unit with 3 sub-modules
Junction temperature sensor
Configurable interrupt controller (with NMI)
64-channel DMA
Serial channels
3 × eSCI
3 × DSPI (2 of which support downstream Micro Second Channel [MSC])
3 × FlexCAN with 64 messages each
1 × FlexRay module (V2.1) up to 10 Mbit/s with dual or single channel and 128 message objects and ECC
1 × eMIOS
24 unified channels
1 × eTPU2 (second generation eTPU)
32 standard channels
1 × reaction module (6 channels with three outputs per channel)
2 enhanced queued analog-to-digital converters (eQADCs)
Forty 12-bit input channels (multiplexed on 2 ADCs); expandable to 56 channels with external multiplexers
6 command queues
Trigger and DMA support
688 ns minimum conversion time
On-chip CAN/SCI/FlexRay Bootstrap loader with Boot Assist Module (BAM)
Nexus: Class 3+ for core; Class 1 for the eTPU
JTAG (5-pin)
Development Trigger Semaphore (DTS)
Clock generation
On-chip 4–40 MHz main oscillator
On-chip FMPLL (frequency-modulated phase-locked loop)
Up to 120 general purpose I/O lines
Individually programmable as input, output or special function
Programmable threshold (hysteresis)
Power reduction mode: slow, stop and stand-by modes
Flexible supply scheme
5 V single supply with external ballast
Multiple external supply: 5 V, 3.3 V and 1.2 V
Designed for LQFP176, LBGA208, PBGA324 and Known Good Die (KGD)