RL78/G1G microcontrollers have a three-phase complementary PWM timer for brushless DC motor control, a comparator for stopping motor rotation when over current is detected and its 8-bit D/A converter for reference voltage, and a PGA (Programmable Gain Amplifier) for controlling amplification factor by software. The number of components can be reduced. The comparator is over eight times faster than that of previous products, and high-speed over current detection can be performed. Built-in safety features (functions that detect illegal hardware operation) make it possible to satisfy the European home appliance safety standard (IEC 60730). The 0.8-mm pitch QFP lineup also helps reduce solder mounting expenses.
- Ultra-low power consumption technology
- VDD = single power supply voltage of 2.7 to 5.5 V
- HALT mode
- STOP mode
- SNOOZE mode
- RL78 CPU core
- CISC architecture with 3-stage pipeline
- Minimum instruction execution time: Can be changed from high-speed (0.04167 µs: @ 24 MHz operation with high-speed on-chip oscillator) to low-speed (1.0 µs: @1MHz operation with high-speed on-chip oscillator)
- Multiply/divide/multiply & accumulate instructions are supported.
- Address space: 1 MB
- General-purpose registers: (8-bit register x 8) x 4 banks
- On-chip RAM: 1.5 KB
- Code flash memory
- Code flash memory: 8 to 16 KB
- Block size: 1 KB
- Prohibition of block erase and rewriting (security function)
- On-chip debug function
- Self-programming (flash shield window function) High-speed on-chip oscillator
- Select from 48 MHz, 24 MHz, 16 MHz, 12 MHz, 8 MHz, 4 MHz, and 1 MHz
- High accuracy: ±2.0%
- Operating ambient temperature
- TA = -40 to +85°C