The PIC24E general purpose MCUs feature the highest speed 70 MIPS core with excellent performance and code density. It offers superior ADC performance, CTMU, Op Amps and Peripheral Trigger Generator (PTG) for high-end general purpose applications.
- Motor Control Family
- Page Erase Size (Instructions): 1024
- Program Flash Memory (Kbytes): 64
- RAM (Kbyte): 8
- Operating Conditions
- 3.0V to 3.6V, -40°C to +85°C, DC to 70 MIPS
- 3.0V to 3.6V, -40°C to +125°C, DC to 60 MIPS
- Core: 16-Bit dsPIC33E/PIC24E CPU
- Code Efficient (C and Assembly) Architecture
- Two 40-Bit-Wide Accumulators
- Single Cycle (MAC/MPY) with Dual Data Fetch
- Single-Cycle, Mixed-Sign MUL plus Hardware Divide
- 32-Bit Multiply Support
- Clock Management
- 1.0% Internal Oscillator
- Programmable PLLs and Oscillator Clock Sources
- Fail-Safe Clock Monitor (FSCM)
- Independent Watchdog Timer (WDT)
- Fast Wake-up and Start-up
- Power Management
- Low-Power Management modes (Sleep, Idle, Doze)
- Integrated Power-on Reset and Brown-out Reset
- 0.6 mA/MHz Dynamic Current (typical)
- 30 µA IPD Current (typical)
- High-Speed PWM
- Up to Three PWM Pairs with Independent Timing
- Dead Time for Rising and Falling Edges
- 7.14 ns PWM Resolution
- PWM Support for: DC/DC, AC/DC, Inverters, PFC, Lighting, BLDC, PMSM, ACIM, SRM
- Programmable Fault Inputs
- Flexible Trigger Configurations for ADC Conversions
- Direct Memory Access (DMA)
- 4-Channel DMA with User-Selectable Priority Arbitration
- UART, SPI, ADC, ECAN, IC, OC and Timers
- Tape and Reel Packaging