RL78/G10 microcontrollers realize the industry"s lowest level of consumption current (CPU: 46 µA/MHz, standby (STOP): 560 nA). With an on-chip oscillator, A/D converter, comparator, and more, and a 10/16-pin package lineup, they support more compact system size. These low pin count microcontrollers are perfect for small consumer electronics.
- Ultra-Low Power Technology
- 2.0 to 5.5 V operation from a single supply
- Stop (RAM retained): 0.56 µA
- Operating: 46 µA /MHz
- RL78-S1 Core
- Instruction execution: 78 % of instructions can be executed in 1 to 2 clock cycles
- CISC architecture (Harvard) with 3-stage pipeline
- Multiply: 8 x 8 to 16-bit result in 2 clock cycles
- 16-bit barrel shifter for shift & rotate in 2 clock cycle
- 1-wire on-chip debug function
- Main Flash Memory
- Density: 1 to 4 Kbyte
- Flash memory rewritable voltage: 4.5 to 5.5 V
- 128 to 512 Byte size options
- Supports operands or instructions
- Back-up retention in all modes
- High-speed On-chip Oscillator
- 20 MHz with +/-2 % accuracy over voltage (2.0 to 5.5 V) and temperature (-20 to +85°C)
- Pre-configured settings: 20 MHz, 10 MHz, 5 MHz,2.5 MHz, and 1.25 MHz