This family of devices offers the advantages of all PIC18 microcontrollers – namely, high computational performance at an economical price. In addition to these features, the PIC18F4680 family introduces design enhancements that make these microcontrollers a logical choice for many high-performance, power-sensitive applications.
- High-Temperature Features:
- Ambient Temperature Range of -40°C to 150°C ECAN Module Features:
- Message Bit Rates, up to 1 Mbps
- Conforms to CAN 2.0B ACTIVE Specification
- Fully Backward Compatible with PIC18XXX8 CAN modules
- Three Modes of Operation: – Legacy, Enhanced Legacy, FIFO
- Three Dedicated Transmit Buffers with Prioritization
- Two Dedicated Receive Buffers
- Six Programmable Receive/Transmit Buffers
- Three Full 29-Bit Acceptance Masks
- 16 Full 29-Bit Acceptance Filters w/ Dynamic Association
- DeviceNet™ Data Byte Filter Support
- Automatic Remote Frame Handling
- Advanced Error Management Features Special Microcontroller Features:
- C Compiler Optimized Architecture with Optional Extended Instruction Set
- Priority Levels for Interrupts
- 8 x 8 Single-Cycle Hardware Multiplier
- Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT): – Programmable period from 41 ms to 131s
- Single-Supply 5V In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via Two Pins
- In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via Two Pins