The PIC18LF4553 family of devices offers the advantages of all PIC18 microcontrollers – namely, high computational performance at an economical price – with the addition of high-endurance, Enhanced Flash program memory. In addition to these features, the PIC18F4553 family introduces design enhancements that make these microcontrollers a logical choice for many high-performance, power sensitive applications. 12-Bit A/D Converter: The PIC18F4553 family implements a 12-bit A/D Converter. The A/D Converter incorporates programmable acquisition time. This allows for a channel to be selected and a conversion to be initiated, without waiting for a sampling period and thus, reducing code overhead.
- Universal Serial Bus Features:
- USB V2.0 Compliant
- Low Speed (1.5 Mb/s) and Full Speed (12 Mb/s)
- Supports Control, Interrupt, Isochronous and Bulk Transfers
- Supports up to 32 Endpoints (16 bidirectional)
- 1-Kbyte Dual Access RAM for USB
- On-Chip USB Transceiver with On-Chip Voltage Regulator
- Interface for Off-Chip USB Transceiver
- Streaming Parallel Port (SPP) for USB Streaming Transfers (40/44-pin devices only) Power-Managed Modes:
- Run: CPU On, Peripherals On
- Idle: CPU Off, Peripherals On
- Sleep: CPU Off, Peripherals Off
- Idle mode Currents Down to 5.8 µA Typical
- Sleep mode Currents Down to 0.1 µA Typical
- Timer1 Oscillator: 1.1 µA Typical, 32 kHz, 2V
- Watchdog Timer: 2.1 µA Typical
- Two-Speed Oscillator Start-up Special Microcontroller Features:
- C Compiler Optimized Architecture with Optional Extended Instruction Set
- 100,000 Erase/Write Cycle Enhanced Flash Program Memory Typical
- 1,000,000 Erase/Write Cycle Data EEPROM Memory Typical
- Flash/Data EEPROM Retention: > 40 Years
- Self-Programmable under Software Control
- Priority Levels for Interrupts
- 8 x 8 Single-Cycle Hardware Multiplier
- Extended Watchdog Timer (WDT):
- Programmable period from 41 ms to 131s
- Programmable Code Protection
- Single-Supply 5V In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via Two Pins
- In-Circuit Debug (ICD) via Two Pins
- Optional Dedicated ICD/ICSP Port (44-pin TQFP package only)
- Wide Operating Voltage Range (2.0V to 5.5V) Flexible Oscillator Structure:
- Four Crystal modes, Including High-Precision PLL for USB
- Two External Clock modes, up to 48 MHz
- Internal Oscillator Block:
- 8 user-selectable frequencies, from 31 kHz to 8 MHz
- User-tunable to compensate for frequency drift
- Secondary Oscillator using Timer1 @ 32 kHz
- Dual Oscillator Options allow Microcontroller and USB module to Run at Different Clock Speeds
- Fail-Safe Clock Monitor:
- Allows for safe shutdown if any clock stops
- Peripheral Highlights:
- High-Current Sink/Source: 25 mA/25 mA
- Three External Interrupts
- Four Timer modules (Timer0 to Timer3)
- Up to 2 Capture/Compare/PWM (CCP) modules:
- Capture is 16-bit, max. resolution 5.2 ns (TCY/16)
- Compare is 16-bit, max. resolution 83.3 ns (TCY)
- PWM output: PWM resolution is 1 to 10-bits
- Enhanced Capture/Compare/PWM (ECCP) module:
- Multiple output modes
- Selectable polarity
- Programmable dead time
- Auto-shutdown and auto-restart
- Enhanced USART module:
- LIN bus support
- Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) module supporting 3-wire SPI (all 4 modes) and I2C™ Master and Slave modes
- 12-Bit, up to 13-Channel Analog-to-Digital Converter module (A/D) with Programmable Acquisition Time
- Dual Analog Comparators with Input Multiplexing