PIC12(L)F1612 microcontrollers deliver on-chip features that are unique to the design for embedded control of small motors and general purpose applications in 8 and 14-pin count packages. Features like 10-bit A/D, CCP, 24-bit SMT, Zero Cross Detection offer an excellent solution to a variety of applications. The CRC and Window WDT to support class B in home appliances and white goods.
- Core Features:
- C Compiler Optimized RISC Architecture
- Only 49 Instructions
- Operating Speed:
- 0-32 MHz clock input
- 125 ns minimum instruction cycle
- Interrupt Capability with Automatic Context Saving
- 16-Level Deep Hardware Stack with Optional Overflow/Underflow Reset
- Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes:
- Two full 16-bit File Select Registers (FSRs)
- FSRs can read program and data memory
- Power-on Reset (POR)
- Power-up Timer (PWRT)
- Brown-out reset (BOR) with Selectable Trip Point
- Windowed Watchdog Timer (WWDT):
- Variable prescaler selection
- Variable window size selection
- All sources configurable in hardware or software
- Memory:
- Up to 2 Kwords Flash Program Memory
- Up to 256 Bytes Data SRAM Memory
- Direct, Indirect and Relative Addressing modes
- Operating Characteristics:
- In-Circuit Serial Programming™ (ICSP™) via Two Pins
- Enhanced Low-Voltage Programming (LVP)
- Operating Voltage Range:
- 1.8V to 3.6V (PIC16LF1613)
- 1.8V to 5.5V (PIC16F1613)
- Programmable Code Protection
- Self-Programmable under Software Control
- Clocking Structure:
- Precision Internal Oscillator:
- Factory calibrated to ±1%, typical
- Software-selectable frequency range from 32 MHz to 31 kHz
- 31 kHz Low-Power Internal Oscillator
- External Oscillator Block with:
- Three external clock modes up to 32 MHz
- 4x Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)
- Extreme Low-Power (XLP) Features:
- Standby Current (PIC16LF1613):
- 100 nA @ 1.8V, typical
- Operating Current (PIC16LF1613):
- 150 µA @ 1 MHz, 1.8V, typical
- Low-Power Watchdog Timer Current (PIC16LF1613):
- 1 µA @ 1.8V, typical
- Digital Peripherals:
- Up to 11 I/O Pins and one Input-only Pin:
- High current sink/source for LED drivers
- Individually programmable interrupt-onchange pins
- Individually programmable weak pull-ups
- Individual programmable digital port controls (Input level selection, open drain, slew rate control)
- Timer0: 8-Bit Timer/Counter with 8-Bit Programmable Prescaler
- Enhanced Timer1:
- 16-bit timer/counter with prescaler
- External Gate Input mode
- Timer Clock In (T1CKI)
- Enhanced Timer2:
- 8-bit timer/counter with 8-bit period register
- 1:1 up to 1:16 linear Postscaler
- 1:1 up to 128:1 Prescaler
- Asynchronous clock source capability
- External Reset/Gate sources
- One-shot count operation
- Two Capture, Compare, PWM modules:
- 16-bit Capture/Compare
- 10-bit PWM
- Two Signal Measurement Timers (SMT):
- 24-bit Signal Measurement Timer
- Up to 12 different Acquisition modes
- Two 24-bit result Buffer registers
- Input polarity control
- 16-Bit CRC:
- Software-selectable polynomial
- Software-selectable data width
- Integrated DMA memory scan capability for memory integrity checking
- Complementary Waveform Generator (CWG):
- Multiple signal sources
- True and complement from any source
- Programmable one to four crossover
- Programmable dead band
- Fault-shutdown input Analog Peripherals:
- Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC):