The H8/300L CPU has sixteen 8-bit general registers, which can also be paired as eight 16-bit registers. Its concise instruction set is designed for high-speed operation.
- Features of the H8/300L CPU are listed below.
- General-register architecture
- Sixteen 8-bit general registers, also usable as eight 16-bit general registers
- Instruction set with 55 basic instructions, including:
- Multiply and divide instructions
- Powerful bit-manipulation instructions
- Eight addressing modes
- Register direct
- Register indirect
- Register indirect with displacement
- Register indirect with post-increment or pre-decrement
- Absolute address
- Immediate
- Program-counter relative
- Memory indirect
- 64-kbyte address space
- High-speed operation
- All frequently used instructions are executed in two to four states
- High-speed arithmetic and logic operations
- Low-power operation modes
- SLEEP instruction for transfer to low-power operation