Microchip ATA6617C is a System-in-Package (SiP) product, which is particularlysuited for complete LIN-bus node applications. It consists of two ICs in one package supportinghighly integrated solutions for in-vehicle LIN networks. The first chip is the LINsystem-basis-chip(LIN-SBC) ATA6624, which has an integrated LIN transceiver, a 5V regulator(85mA) and a window watchdog. The second chip is an automotive microcontrollerfrom Microchip’s series of AVR 8-bit microcontroller with advanced RISC architecture, theMicrochip ATtiny87 with 8-Kbytes and the Microchip ATtiny167 with 16-Kbytes flash memory.All pins of the LIN system basis chip as well as all pins of the AVR microcontroller arebonded out to provide customers the same flexibility for their applications as they havewhen using discrete parts.
- Single-package high performance, low power AVR® 8-bit microcontroller with LIN transceiver, 5V regulator (85mA current capability) and watchdog
- Very low current consumption in sleep mode
- 8Kbytes/16Kbytes flash memory for application program (Atmel® ATA6616C/ATA6617C)
- Supply voltage up to 40V
- Operating voltage: 5V to 27V
- Temperature range: Tcase –40°C to +125°C
- QFN38, 5mm ? 7mm package