Low-pin count, general-purpose MCU with built-in A/D converter, serial interface, on-chip oscillator, etc. Maximum oscillation frequency is 8MHz. Comes in 32-pin and 36-pin packages. Available in QzROM versions.
- Basic machine-language instructions: 71
- The minimum instruction execution time: 0.25 µs (at 8 MHz oscillationfrequency, double-speed mode)
- Memory size
- ROM: 8 K bytes
- RAM: 256 bytes
- Programmable I/O ports: 25
- Interrupts: 12 sources, 12 vectors
- Timers: 8-bit × 2, 16-bit × 1
- Serial Interface: 8-bit × 1 (UART or Clock-synchronized)
- A/D converter: 8-bit × 6 channels
- Clock generating circuit: Built-in type
- low-power dissipation by an on-chip oscillator enabled
- connect to external ceramic resonator or quartz-crystal oscillatorpermitting RC oscillation
- Watchdog timer: 16-bit × 1
- Power source voltage
- XIN oscillation frequency at ceramic/quartz-crystal oscillation, indouble-speed mode
- 4.5 to 5.5 V (At 8 MHz)
- 4.0 to 5.5 V (At 4 MHz)
- 2.4 to 5.5 V (At 2 MHz)
- XIN oscillation frequency at ceramic/quartz-crystal oscillation, inhigh-speed mode
- 4.0 to 5.5 V (At 8 MHz)
- 2.4 to 5.5 V (At 4 MHz)
- XIN oscillation frequency at RC oscillation
- 4.0 to 5.5 V (At 4 MHz)
- 2.4 to 5.5 V (At 2 MHz)
- XIN oscillation frequency at on-chip oscillator: 1.8 to 5.5 V
- Power dissipation: 22.5mW(standard)
- Operating temperature range: –20 to 85 degrees C